Women have the biggest muscles in the body, namely the uterus. When contraction occurs, then Stretch the muscles. The conditions just happen naturally, the same condition when you throw up then your stomach will contract. At the time of contraction, the uterus will be experiencing conditions of stretch and shrink. The shrinking of the uterus and the cervix opening to make a baby pushed toward the birth canal.
But not only the contraction occurs before delivery. Many types of contractions that occur during pregnancy itself lasts.
Here are some types of contractions that occur during pregnancy:
Early contractions. This type of contraction usually occurs during early pregnancy or during the first trimester of pregnancy. This condition occurs when the body is still in the process of adjusting to the changes due to pregnancy. Contraction caused by stretched ligaments around the uterus is usually followed by abdominal bloating, constipation and dehydration. If contractions in early pregnancy was followed by a blood spot then immediately to the doctor for further testing.
False contractions. Type of contraction is commonly referred to as Braxton-Hicks, usually occurs when entering the age of 32-34 weeks gestation. The timing could not be determined but it usually occurs every 30 minutes once the old contraction of about 30 seconds. Feels are like painful menstrual cramps. If the contraction is not going to be long, then shorten the interval and not getting stronger, then the delivery will not happen any time now. Soak in warm water to ease the contractions. But if the contractions become stronger and the shorter the interval could be an indication that labor will soon take place.
When contraction Related. During intercourse can also lead to a contraction. Therefore, before you connect, make sure the first go through a medical examination that you are otherwise healthy pregnancy. Contraction that occurs when exposed, will not make the risk of preterm birth, during pregnancy healthy and without complications.
Actually contraction. Contraction actually occurs before delivery. Contraction lasts for 40-60 seconds, occur in every 10 to 20 minutes or an hour, then contractions became more frequent. Actual contraction will be followed by the opening of the cervix, mucous discharge mixed with blood or brownish slime which is a blockage or mucus in the cervix.
Contraction above belong to the normal contraction and is common in pregnancy. And will usually refer to the normal delivery.
However, there are several types of abnormal contractions that occur before delivery, namely:
Primary inertia. Contractions that do not show up at all before delivery. This is caused by physical abnormalities such mothers, maternal malnutrition, severe disease, anemia, myomas.Secondary inertia. Weak contraction.
Takisistol where contraction is actually there just too much ahead of time, so "exhausted" before their time.
Inkordinat, contractions which are not exhaustive, meaning that only certain parts of the stomach are experiencing abdominal contraction while others do not experience, so that labor is not progressing, it is usually caused by myomas or premature rupture of membranes.
Tetanis. Contraction caused by the placenta that causes contractions off relentless continuous, it is precisely the very dangerous and can threaten the mother and her unborn baby. For the case of a cesarean section should be done immediately.